Monday, March 25, 2013

Basic Egg Salad

I was speaking to a friend the other day (by the way, I told her I was going to blog this), and mentioned my menu for the week.  On that menu, I have egg salad.  To my surprise she said she LOVVVED egg salad but had no clue how to make it.  I was like "That's an easy dish to make!" and she was like "really!?  Do you have a recipe?"  I wonder what the expression on my face was just then because in my head I was thinking 'how can you not know how to make egg salad?  Everyone knows how to make egg salad'.

Well, apparently, everyone does NOT know how to make egg salad.  So, for you, my dear friend, I create this post.  Here is your easy egg salad recipe.

Basic Egg Salad

8 eggs
1/8 cup mayo (more or less to your preference of creaminess)
a dash of salt
a dash of pepper
1 tsp mustard
a dash of paprika for garnish

Hard boil your eggs.  Let them cool enough to handle and peel.  With a fork break up your eggs until they are in very small pieces.  Add your salt and pepper, mayo and mustard.  Mix well.  Sprinkle with paprika.  Have on toast  points or a sandwich.   I like to add a small piece of avocado or some lettuce and a slice of tomato.

This is a great way to use up those decorated Easter eggs you colored with your kids.

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