Friday, March 22, 2013

Quick, Easy, Delicious Garlic Hummus

I don't know if any of you have ever done your body the great justice of participating in a nutritional cleanse, but let me tell you, the benefits of clearing out cellular toxins not only benefits your physical health, but it also benefits your mental health.  Imagine clearing toxins, then feeding yourself great nutritious meals and shakes! Oh, the things your body can do!!!  Did you know that the process of clearing toxins and eating healthy can put your body in a place where it can heal it's own ailments?!!  Who wouldn't want that!

Anyway, on to my hummus recipe...

1 large can of garbanzo beans (drained, but reserve the juice)

1/3 lemon juice
2 Tbls Extra Virgin Olive Oil plus a little extra to drizzle on top
1/2 cup white sesame seeds
3 cloves of garlic (if you want it more garlicky, add another clove or two - less garlicky, less garlic)
1-1/2 tsp sea salt
A shake or two of paprika
In a food processor combine drained garbanzo beans, lemon juice, olive oil, sesame seeds, garlic cloves and salt, blend.  Through the spout, gradually add some of the garbanzo bean juice (I spoon it in), continue adding only until you get to your desired consistency.  Put hummus in a serving dish, drizzle on a little olive oil and sprinkle a little paprika on top.  Enjoy!

My main business is selling a nutritional cleansing program, and where I do not typically promote my business within a recipe file, I  have just finished with a cleanse and feel great!  Therefore, it is at the forefront of my thinking today.  If you would like to know more about the benefits of a nutritional cleanse, I would be happy to share my program and guidance with you.

 You can email me at ACARPEDIEMLIFE@HOTMAIL.COM or send me a private message via 'ACarpeDiemLife' on Facebook.

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