Easter is right around the corner and along with religious traditions, there are also Easter Bunny traditions. The Easter egg hunt has always been a fun adventure for the kids. My mom hides the eggs in a traditional way, with a few pennies in each egg. The most coveted egg, however, has within it's colorful plastic housing a whopping five bucks!!
Now that my children have gotten older, the typical hunt is a little too easy. If you have older children, here's a new version of 'The Easter Egg Hunt'.
Here We Go:
Split your group up into three or more teams. Each team should be balanced with a combination of personalities and ages. Each team is designated a color. They will be searching only for their coordinating-colored eggs. They will all start out at 'home base' where each team will be given a first egg. Inside they will find a challenging riddle that will direct them to where the second egg is hidden. The second egg will direct them to the third egg, and so on. At the end of the game, the team who returns first with all their eggs gets the 'grand' prize and the runners up get something too. You decide how many eggs there will be and what the grand and alternate prizes will be. Make it something cool if you can.
How to prepare:
For a three-team hunt:
Collect 10 (or more) eggs of three different colors (10-blue 10-red 10-green). These eggs will coordinate with the team colors
Number each team's eggs from 1 - 10 (or however many eggs you decide to use)
Create riddles or clues that you can put inside eggs. Make the 'clues' challenging so they really have to put on their thinking caps!
Duplicate those 'clues' so you have one set for each team's eggs. You can also create separate riddles for each team if you want. (That's a bit more time consuming and you need a lot more hiding spots)
Your riddles should direct the teams to where their next egg is hidden.
As each team approaches a 'find' they will see the three different colored eggs.
They must choose their own egg color and read only their riddle.
Keep the egg as proof of the find and move on to collect the next one.
If they come upon a group off eggs by chance and it is not their 'next' egg (being numerically out of order) they need to leave that egg there, without opening it and go find the egg that is consecutive to what they have already, otherwise they may not find all of their eggs.
If you decide to hide each team egg at the same locations (meaning, there will be a red, blue and green egg at each spot), mix up the riddles so the teams are not in the same location at the same time.
End the last egg's riddle so that it directs them back to 'home base'.
At the beginning of the game let them know what the rules are. . .and remind them to have good gamesmanship and not cheat (like hide another teams eggs!)
'On your mark, get set, GO!!'
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