Saturday, January 7, 2017

Spring Mix with Warm Zoodles, Tomatoes and Mushrooms (w/ Shrimp)

It's sometimes challenging to whip together a quick, healthy meal, especially if you're not prepared.  My prepared.  Create a menu plan, and fill your fridge with vegetables and protein for a week's worth of cooking.  This plan works great for me because it prevents me from re-entering a grocery store and spending more than I should.  It also prevents 'meal stops' where I would grab a take-out order for the sake of convenience.  If you have lettuces, open the container and place a white napkin or paper towel inside to absorb any moisture that would cause your greens to whither away before you've had the chance to use them and to keep your mushrooms, place them in a paper bag in the fridge.  *Do your best to find organic*  Now, on to the recipe.

Fresh Spring Mix with Warm Zoodles and Mushrooms

Spring Mix Salad
1-2 Tbls. balsamic vinegerette
2 small zucchini
10 baby portabella mushrooms sliced in half
1 Tbls. minced garlic
a handful of grape tomatoes sliced in half
salt and pepper to taste
*add whatever protein you prefer

The first order of business is to take a small zucchini or two and shred them into know...make them look like spaghetti. (The Veggetti hand slicer is what I use..see photo)  Set aside.  
In a small pan, add about a tablespoon of olive oil and heat on high.  Add sliced or whole mushrooms and let them sit for a minute on high and don't stir yet (to boil off the excess water they hold).  After the minute, give them a stir and let them cook for a few more minutes, add the garlic and let the garlic get golden.  Remove from pan and set aside.  In the same pan, throw in your zoodles and tomatoes, give them a quick stir and let them get heated.  Add a little salt and pepper if you desire.  In the meantime, toss your Spring Mix with the balsamic and place in a serving bowl.  Top with the zoodles/tomatoes and mushrooms and add your protein.  In this case I boiled up some shrimp, but add the protein you'd like. The blend of all of these flavors was delicious!

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