One of the many hats I wear in my crazy, wonderful life, is an artist's beret. No, not really. It's usually just paint brushes with wet paint at the ends that stick out of my twisted, messy bun. I paint with oil on canvas for the most part. However, my biggest canvas is my home. Many moons ago, when hubby and I purchased our house, all of the walls were white and there was a sea of grey wall-to-wall carpeting that expanded from room to room and up the stairs and down the hall and in the bedrooms and bathrooms.....but the lighting was great!
This house-canvas of mine has come a long way since the grey sea, which was one of the first things to be ousted! On the journey it has morphed according to my whim as, over the years, I tire of looking at either the order of the furniture or how I've painted my walls. My array of eclectic, sometimes organized, belongings have moved from room to room in an effort to please my artistic palette.
Along the way I've had all but the family room floors replaced with wood. The family room was re-carpeted with a deep, hide-everything green, but that too, is in need of updating since it's had a full life of cushioning diapered baby bottoms and messy, sticky hands and teenagers, and spilled wine and dogs, etc.
Icky |
My biggest creative block, however has always been the stairs. They are a basic builders, intended to be covered, staircase. Over the years I have re-carpeted a few times but nothing really made me say, 'Ahhhh'. I finally ripped up the last carpet mishap and was glad to do so. Now, I had a whole new canvas on my hands, but as my hubby knows, I won't create until I have a firm idea of what it is I'm going to do. Those stairs had the potential of being naked for a longgggg time if my noggin hadn't come up with some sort of plan.
Here's the end result...for now
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