Sunday, February 24, 2013

Vegetable Soup with a Little Mongolian Fire

What a cold, damp, grey day!  A day to make something to warm yourself up from the inside out.  A day for a little Mongolian Fire Oil.  I love this product, especially for when I want to make a soup that will take the chill from my bones.  You can find it in the international section of your grocery store.

Vegetable Soup 

1 large can of garbanzo beans
2 potatoes, peeled and cubed
1 large onion, chopped
5 carrots, diced
either fresh tomato or a large jar (can) of whole tomatoes, cut up
one -two handfuls of chopped kale
Chicken stock, enough to cover the veggies and then some.
Mongolian Fire Oil to your preference

Add everything except the Mongolian Fire Oil to a large stock pot.  Bring to a boil then lower to a simmer.  Cook until potatoes are tender.  Add the Mongolian Fire Oil a little at a time.  Stir and taste after each addition so you have the 'hotness' just right...for you.  You can also keep the Vegetable Soup as is and add the oil to your bowl, that way everyone can spice up their soup according to their preference.

The chill from my bones was gone after a bowl of this delicious, healthy soup!

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